University instructor, Environmental and resource economics

The Department of Economics and Management at the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry invites applications for the position of a University instructor in Environmental and resource economics for a fixed-term period 1.5.2025-31.12.2028.


The university instructor will

  • Teach courses and participate in other teaching activities related to environmental and resource economics, with a particular focus on blue economy and the economics of managing aquatic systems, including coastal, marine and in-land waters. The tasks include coordination of ‘Economics and Governance of Marine Resources’ course (AGERE-E014), participation in the planning and teaching in ‘Economics of Aquatic Resources: Numerical Models’ (AGERE-E06) and ‘Energy Economics’ courses (YET-214), and guest lectures in other selected courses
  • supervise bachelor’s and master’s theses
  • participate in other relevant teaching and networking activities including relevant degree program steering groups



We look for candidates who:

  • have a minimum of master’s degree in environmental and resource economics or a related field granted before the beginning of employment. Research experience on relevant topics is considered as an advantage for the position.
  • are proficient in English language. A good command of Finnish (or an interest in learning) is considered an advantage.
  • are motivated and capable of teaching and giving courses on environmental and resource economics and supervising academic thesis (master and bachelor levels).


What we offer

The starting salary of the university instructor will be based on level 5 of the requirement level (research and teaching staff) in the salary system of Finnish universities. The appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal performance. The starting salary of the university instructor will be ca. 3500-3800 euros/month, depending on the appointees’ qualifications and experience. A six-month trial period will be applied.



The application should include as one single pdf file:

(a) your CV including list of literature,

(b) teaching portfolio

(c) your vision for developing teaching at the Department of Economics and Management

(d) cover letter where you can explain your motivation, interests, and explain how your methodological skills apply for this position.     


External applicants, please submit your application using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the Apply Now button.


Applicants who have a username and a valid employment contract, a grant researcher's contract or a visiting researcher's contract at the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application by using the Employee Login button.


The University of Helsinki welcomes applicants from a variety of genders, linguistic and cultural backgrounds.


The closing date for applications is 24.3.2025 at 23:59 EET.


Further information


About us

The Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry is located on the Viikki campus, ten kilometres from the Helsinki city centre. The mission of the faculty is to promote the sustainable use of renewable natural resources through scientific research and research-based teaching. We focus on agricultural and forest sciences, food and nutrition, microbiology, as well as on economics and management. We cover the full natural resource chain from farm to fork, the entire field of forest sciences from soil chemistry to marketing, as well as the environmental effects of related activities. Graduates from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry are versatile experts in biosciences and business, able to meet the needs of both the business sector and society at large.


The Department of Economics and Management is one of the units of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The department conducts internationally recognized research related to the economics and management of farms, the food chain, natural resources, the environment and the broad bio-economy. Our aim is to deliver high-impact research and teaching contributing to the sustainability transition of the food and economic systems. The main research fields of the department are agricultural economics, consumer economics, environmental and resource economics, marketing, and management for sustainable food systems. The department entertains particularly close research and teaching collaborations with the Department of Agricultural Sciences and the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. About 70 researchers and teachers are employed in the Department, which is in charge of one BSc programme and two MSc programmes. The Department is active in broad societal discussions related to agriculture, the food system, and environmental issues. It also has strong collaborations with companies, government agencies, research institutes and other Universities, nationally and internationally.

Onko sinulla -käyttäjätunnukset ja voimassa oleva työsopimus, apurahatutkijan sopimus, vierailevan tutkijan tai vierailevan professorin sopimus Helsingin yliopistossa? Kirjaudu ensin tästä hakeaksesi avoimia tehtäviämme

Avoin työpaikka

Haku päättyy:  24.3.2025
Yksikkö:  Maatalous- metsätieteellinen tiedekunta
Alayksikkö:  Taloustieteen osasto
Tunniste:  3882

Työtä maailman parhaaksi

Tieteen voimalla voidaan muuttaa maailmaa. Olemme yksi maailman parhaista tutkimusyliopistoista – yli 30 000 opiskelijan ja 8 000 työntekijän kansainvälinen tieteen, tutkimuksen, oppimisen ja rohkean ajattelun yhteisö.

Meidät tunnetaan monitieteisyydestä. Uskomme tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen ja rajoja rikkovan yhteistyön voimaan löytää ratkaisuja ja luoda toivoa paremman ja kestävämmän tulevaisuuden puolesta.

Meitä yhdistävät arvomme totuus, sivistys, vapaus ja yhteisöllisyys, sekä halu tehdä merkityksellisiä töitä. 

Tule mukaan: tee työtä tulevaisuudelle – maailman parhaaksi.