Specialist / Laboratory Technician

Specialist / Laboratory Technician position is available at the Research Program Unit at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Helsinki.


About the position
We are seeking a motivated applicants working on allergy mechanisms using in vitro and in vivo models. The employee will conduct research in a Finnish Research Council funded project focusing on the mechanisms of food allergies and their desensitization. The main task of the Specialist / Laboratory Technician will be to perform experiments in various study set-ups and analyze the obtained data. The position requires hands-on experience and basic knowledge on in vitro and in vivo studies. The position is initially for 10 months, with the possibility for extension through application for further funding.


Ideal candidate has MSc (or PhD) degree in physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, or a degree in a similar field. Excellent team working and communication skills are required. Successful implementation of the tasks will require ability to work independently and as a member of a group. Strong candidate will have previous experience on cell cultures, immunological methods (e.g. flow cytometry and qPCR) and a FeLaSa certificate.


What we offer
The appointment is fixed term until the end of August 2025 but the position can be extended depending on the availability of funding. A 4-month trial period will be applied.


The salary is based on the job requirement scheme for specialist and support staff according to the salary system of the Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a personal salary component. In total, the starting gross salary is between 2800-3700 EUR per month.


The University of Helsinki offers comprehensive services to its employees, including occupational health care and health insurance, unemployment and pension fund, a generous holiday package, sports facilities, and opportunities for professional development: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/about-us/careers.


The chosen applicant is expected to reside in Finland while employed by the University of Helsinki.


How to apply
Applications should be submitted through the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via the "Apply now" button.


Internal applicants (i.e., current employees of the University of Helsinki) submit their applications by using the Employee Login button.


Please send your application with following enclosures:

  1. A complete CV, including previous and current positions, and two referees with their contacts.
  2. A motivation letter


The application period ends on November 24, 2024 (at 11:59 p.m.), but the position will be filled as soon as possible when a suitable person is found. Therefore, send your application soon!


For further information on the position, please contact Piia Karisola: piia.karisola (at) helsinki.fi.



About the Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine promotes high-quality scientific research and provides research-based undergraduate and postgraduate education in medicine, dentistry, psychology, and logopedics, as well as an international Master's Programme in Translational Medicine. In addition to its teaching and research activities, the faculty serves as a significant expert organization in the healthcare sector and contributes to ethical discourse in the field.


Together with HUS Helsinki University Hospital and the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE), the Faculty of Medicine constitutes an academic medical centre recognized for excellence in international comparisons.




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Avoin työpaikka

Haku päättyy:  24.11.2024
Yksikkö:  Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta
Alayksikkö:  Tutkimusohjelmayksikkö
Tunniste:  3616

Työtä maailman parhaaksi

Tieteen voimalla voidaan muuttaa maailmaa. Olemme yksi maailman parhaista tutkimusyliopistoista – yli 30 000 opiskelijan ja 8 000 työntekijän kansainvälinen tieteen, tutkimuksen, oppimisen ja rohkean ajattelun yhteisö.

Meidät tunnetaan monitieteisyydestä. Uskomme tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen ja rajoja rikkovan yhteistyön voimaan löytää ratkaisuja ja luoda toivoa paremman ja kestävämmän tulevaisuuden puolesta.

Meitä yhdistävät arvomme totuus, sivistys, vapaus ja yhteisöllisyys, sekä halu tehdä merkityksellisiä töitä. 

Tule mukaan: tee työtä tulevaisuudelle – maailman parhaaksi.