Postdoctoral Researcher in Environmental Sciences

The University of Helsinki is inviting applications for postdoctoral researcher position in environmental sciences. Postdoctoral position for 2- years is available in the Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme. 


The is part of the Regions4Climate research project funded by the European Commission that aims to collaboratively develop and demonstrate a socially-just transition to climate resilience. Based on cross-sectoral roadmaps developed together with regional stakeholders, the project will create and implement innovations combining sociocultural, technological, digital, business, governance, and environmental solutions to reduce the vulnerability of European regions to the impacts of climate change. The project at UH is led by Professor Sirkku Juhola.


The applicant will work closely with the Uusimaa region case and will focus on conceptual development of adaptation, modelling of adaptation to urban floods and heatwaves and use of digital tools in stakeholder collaboration.



The position is based at the Ecology and Environment Research Programme, which belongs to the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, and it is located in Viikki campus, ten kilometres from the Helsinki city centre. The appointees will work as a part of the Urban Environmental Policy Group, a multidisciplinary research environment with focus on urban sustainability.


The University of Helsinki is among the best multidisciplinary research universities in the world. In addition to its 11 faculties, the University of Helsinki includes several independent institutes, some of which are jointly operated with other universities. The University of Helsinki is an international academic community of 40,000 students and staff members. It operates on four campuses in Helsinki and at 15 other locations. 



We look for a candidate in sustainability or environmental social sciences or a related field who:

  • Has a strong background climate change adaptation research
  • Has experience of working with cities or in the urban context
  • Have high motivation for academic research
  • Have a doctoral degree that has been granted before the beginning of employment
  • Have the ability to conduct independent scholarly work as well as the teaching skills necessary for the position

Research questions can be adjusted according to applicants’ interests and skills.


What we offer

The salary of the postdoctoral researcher will be based on level 5 of the demands level chart for teaching and research personnel in the salary system of Finnish universities. In addition, the appointee will be paid a salary component based on personal performance. A six-month trial period will be applied.


Finland is one of the most livable countries, with a high quality of life, safety and excellent education system.  Finland is a member of the EU, has high quality and inexpensive childcare, free schooling and tertiary training (also in English), generous family benefits and healthcare, and was recently ranked as the best country in the world for expat families. The successful candidate will receive the benefits provided by the University of Helsinki to university employees, including occupational health care services, and obtain access to high-quality public affordable childcare services and schools. Read more about the employee benefits at our university and why the University of Helsinki is an excellent career choice:


Further information



Please submit your application as a single pdf file in English using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System. Please include the following in your application:  


  1. Motivational letter outlining why you are the right person for this task (max 1 page)
  2. 2 letters of reference required
  3. A CV that includes a list of publications  


External applicants, please submit your application using the University of Helsinki Recruitment System via Apply Now button.


Applicants who have a -username and a valid employment contract, a grant researcher’s contract or a visiting researcher’s contract at the University of Helsinki are requested to leave their application by using the Employee login. 


The closing date for applications is 30 November 2024 (23:59 EET)

Interviews will be conducted remotely during December 2024 and the position is available from January 2025 onwards.

Onko sinulla -käyttäjätunnukset ja voimassa oleva työsopimus, apurahatutkijan sopimus, vierailevan tutkijan tai vierailevan professorin sopimus Helsingin yliopistossa? Kirjaudu ensin tästä hakeaksesi avoimia tehtäviämme

Avoin työpaikka

Haku päättyy:  30.11.2024
Yksikkö:  Bio- ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta
Alayksikkö:  Ekosysteemit ja ympäristö –tutkimusohjelma
Tunniste:  3593

Työtä maailman parhaaksi

Tieteen voimalla voidaan muuttaa maailmaa. Olemme yksi maailman parhaista tutkimusyliopistoista – yli 30 000 opiskelijan ja 8 000 työntekijän kansainvälinen tieteen, tutkimuksen, oppimisen ja rohkean ajattelun yhteisö.

Meidät tunnetaan monitieteisyydestä. Uskomme tieteidenvälisen tutkimuksen ja rajoja rikkovan yhteistyön voimaan löytää ratkaisuja ja luoda toivoa paremman ja kestävämmän tulevaisuuden puolesta.

Meitä yhdistävät arvomme totuus, sivistys, vapaus ja yhteisöllisyys, sekä halu tehdä merkityksellisiä töitä. 

Tule mukaan: tee työtä tulevaisuudelle – maailman parhaaksi.