Doctoral Researcher

Department of Chemistry is looking for a Doctoral Researcher for a 4-year funded position.


The position is related to the project “Comprehensive measurement of aerosol light absorption with cantilever photoacoustic spectroscopy” of Academy Research Fellow Juho Karhu ( ) and is done in conjunction with the Laser Spectroscopy Group ( ). The group has a long history of applying cantilever enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy for high performance gas sensing, and in the past few years has extended the technique to aerosol absorption measurements of black carbon ( ). The new project aims to further expand on the photoacoustic black carbon measurements, revise the instrumentation to cover a wider range of target particles, and apply the method also for infrared absorption spectroscopy of aerosols.


We are looking for a motivated student with keen interest towards experimental research. Past experience with optical instrumentation or aerosol transport phenomenon are advantages for an optimal candidate. The applicant should hold a master’s degree in chemistry, physics, or a related field. The applicant should either hold a doctoral study right at University of Helsinki or be able to attain one within the 6 months trial period at the beginning of employment.


University of Helsinki offers an opportunity to work and study in an international, multidisciplinary research environment. The salary is based on the collective agreement followed by Finnish universities, with starting salary typically in the range of 2500-2800 €/month.


Applicants should apply through University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system using links below. Internal applicants from University of Helsinki should apply through SAP Fiori. The applicant is asked to provide a motivational letter, an academic CV, a degree certificate and a record of studies. In the motivational letter, please briefly describe also how your past experience or studies relate to the research topic (see project aims and a link to the previously published article above) and provide contact details for any references.


The deadline for applications is October 31, 2024 (23:59), but applications will be processed already before the deadline and the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found.


Additional information regarding the position can be inquired from Dr. Juho Karhu (juho.karhu(at)

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Avoin työpaikka

Haku päättyy:  31.10.2024
Yksikkö:  Matemaattis- luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta
Alayksikkö:  Kemian osasto
Tunniste:  3505

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