Doctoral Researcher in Biodiversity on Private Gardens

The Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Professor Erik Andersson invite applications for the position of

Doctoral Researcher in Biodiversity in private gardens

The appointment is for 3 years, and the approximate starting date will be in November 2024 or in January 2025.

Are you interested in pursuing a PhD in applied urban ecology, potentially, a strong element of interdisciplinary social-ecological systems thinking? Private gardens make up a significant part of urban green space, but their role in the overall urban ecology remain unclear, or at least complex. We are looking for someone with a strong interest in urban ecology and experience in conducting field surveys. While of the project is already defined – surveying birds and butterflies – there is opportunity to add to this foundation and develop your own research interests.

If successful, you will be embedded in a larger, University of Helsinki-Syke (Finnish Environment Institute), ‘Biodiversity on your Doorstep’. BioStep seeks to explore the role of gardens and gardening (as embedded in a larger, heterogeneous urban landscape) for supporting urban biodiversity. Within the project you will work closely together will colleagues studying the structure and layout of the urban landscape as well as the preferences and practices of gardeners/homeowners.

Tasks and research focus:

As a member of BioStep you will be tasked with

  1. Site quality and landscape effects – the ecological role and function of private urban green spaces
  2. Developing cost-effective urban biodiversity indicators

These will be the responsibilities of the successful candidate, under the guidance of their supervisors. This includes collection of data in the field, literature reviews, statistical and text-based analyses and, potentially, dialogues with practitioners from the City of Helsinki. Additional tasks and the final framing of the thesis project is open to discussion.


  • MSc in Ecology, Taxonomy, Sustainability Science, Geography (or the equivalent).
  • Familiarity with field surveys and statistical analysis.
  • Reasonably fluent English (CEFR B2 or higher)


  • Experience of interdisciplinary work
  • Experience of working together with non-academic partners
  • Experience of taxonomic identification of birds and/or butterflies
  • Documented experience and skill with writing and publishing academic texts.


  • Starting salary approximately 2400-2800€ per month and fun
  • Computer and desk space
  • Access to broad (inter- and trans-)disciplinary expertise related to urban studies


  • CV incl. thesis diploma
  • Names and contact info for one to two reference people (no need for long support letters)
  • A personal letter including a short (max. 150 words) outline of what kind of project you would be interested in

Do you have a username and a valid employment contract, a grant researcher's contract, a visiting researcher's or visiting professor's contract at the University of Helsinki? Log in here to apply to our open positions.

Open position

Due Date:  29.9.2024
Unit:  Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Sub-unit:  Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme
ID:  3484

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